ALL LINKS for 10/7/13-10/13/13 HUGE LIST! Please look & SHARE!

I’ve really been struggling with Facebook this past week. Very few people are seeing my posts. And I’m super annoyed. So PLEASE like this post on FB or even better…share it! I promise you there is something in this list of printables that SOMEBODY can use!! Thanks for sticking with me!!

Please Please Please check out a previous blog post on how to make sure you are seeing your friend’s updates AND updates from your favorite pages! (Including, ME!)

New Freebies List! {Candy Corn, Crafts, Word Searches, BOB Books, Chore Charts & MORE!}

Fall is HERE! FINALLY! And that is a big theme that is going around with printables! There are especially a lot things to do dealing with Candy Corn! Fun huh? Check them out!


A confession…and some freebies!

I’m a terrible blogger. I’m a terrible friend. Sometimes, I’m even a terrible family member. But there is one thing I’m not terrible at…and that is being a homeschooling mother. My house can be dirty and the laundry piled high, but we are going to do school work. And we’re going to do it right and thoroughly. That comes first. The blog, Facebook, everything else…can wait. I’m taking the time to enjoy my children and making the most of each day with them.

So what makes today different? Well, my kids got up before the chickens this morning. Literally. Rootie had not even moved from his roost to let us all know that him & the girls were up & ready for food. We ate breakfast and were working before 730 this morning. I’m not babysitting today or picking up anybody from preschool, so now, the boys have turned my living room into one huge fort and here I am.

I sure hope you stick with me, and continue to share my blog with friends & family. This is how it is going to be though. I am still going to post, but, it may be more longer posts less often instead of frequent posts.  I still want you guys to message me when you’re looking for different things that I could help with! I like knowing that somebody is using what I post!!

So with that being said, I got some great stuff for you today that has been posted earlier this week! Enjoy!

Free Farm, Apple and Fall Printable Packs!

Fall is right around the corner!! Which means hay rides, apple picking and lots of fun!! Check out these fun freebies to get you in the mood for FALL!





This Reading Mama has made this Free Apple Pack especially for Preschoolers through Kinders. Also from her is a Free Fall Pack and a Free Farm Pack! Get everything you need in ONE place!

Homeschooling Freebies! The 50 States, Crafts and Handwriting printables!

I’m going to make a list of links to some free stuff since I’ve been a little slack here lately!

First up…A unit study of the 50 states. This is broken down into 2 parts.

Next is a site totally dedicated to crafts of ALL kinds!

Want to make handwriting printables all on your own? Choose from different styles & type in exactly what you want you child to trace. These are great to print off and laminate (or stick in a page protector) for you child to use with a dry erase marker. There isn’t a kid out there who isn’t just a little more willing to write their letters when you hand them a marker! (been there DONE that!)

Trying to find something that I haven’t covered yet?! PLEASE send me a message & let me see if I can help!

Kindergarten Sight Word Packet

I have uploaded a Sight Word Packet geared for Kindergarten age children to my Teachers Pay Teachers Store. I have taken 30 Dolch Sight Words and made different activities for learning those words. They are broken down into 3 words per lesson. The idea would be to learn 3 words per week for a total of 10 weeks.

w (click on picture for larger image)

The first page is a cut/paste with lines to practice writing the words.

The second page is used to recognize the word, count and then fill in a simple graph.

The third page can be used for various things. You could laminate it (or use a sheet protector) and let your child use Play Doh, Wikki Stix, buttons, pipe cleaners, etc, to make the word. They could also color it, use markers, glue beads or any other small items to make their words.

I hope this is something that would be beneficial for people to use. I do NOT know though unless I get some feedback! This is my guinea pig run to see how well something like this goes over. I welcome ALL feedback! I do ask that you be respectful in your comments! Thanks!

Download Sight Word Packet-Kindergarten HERE:

Calendar Notebooking Printables!

2 for one! 🙂

Lauren Hill over at mamaslearningcorner is one of my most favorite bloggers/moms/homeschooling/queenofprintablemaking people out there! She has made up some awesome FREE calendar printables for Pre-k and also a K/1st grade level. This is designed to be printed out and put inside of a binder and to be a part of daily work. Once it’s downloaded, you can print as many or as few of the papers that you want to use.

And I have to say it…if you like what you see & choose to download, please leave her a comment of appreciation!

Fireman Freebies for 8/2/13

Today’s fun freebies are coming to you from Royal Baloo!

She has made an awesome set of fireman and fire truck printables!


This is aimed at the Kinder-2nd crowd, although I was making most of it with Baloo in mind and he’s in 2nd grade.

What’s included:
Connect the Dots
Design Your Own Badge
Word Search
Describe the Fireman
Write the Words
Unscramble the Words
Fireman SuDoKu
Skip Count Maze
Roll and Graph
Fireman Word Problems
Sort the Fireman by Addition
Fireman Coloring Page

If you like what you see, please leave her some feedback on it! It really does take a lot of time and effort to make these big packs like this…show some love! Also, if you would be so kind, please leave me some comments as well. I would like to know if you are liking what I’m linking up to OR if there is anything in particular that you would be looking for. Many thanks! 🙂

Have a FANTASTIC weekend!!

Fantastic Freebie for 7/30/13

I have something AWESOME for you today!!

Ok, so first off…let me apologize because well, honestly, it’s almost tomorrow. I’m a little late! It’s been a long day of school work, extra kid pickup, babysitting, park trip, fixing dinner, sports physical for Luigi, baths for everyone….and so on. Anyways, I’m finally getting around to the Freebie of the Dayyyyyyyy! (sung in an awesome opera voice…be glad you’re not here)

Cassie over at 3dinosaurs is the QUEEN of printables. Seriously. Today I’m setting you up with her link to ALL of her Dolch sight word lists ALONG with ALL the worksheets that go with each list! Awesome. I told you!

Something of this scale took a LOT of time to make. Please be kind and show Cassie some appreciation for all of her hard work!!